Year: 2024


For Monday mashup I  chose clay the the things i learnt was score slide & slip I decided to make the NRL logo first we search for what we would want to make second step get clay then we shaped it and scored it  then we put a little bit of water on the clay

one week later then we painted it I chose green black and a little bit of blue

Akomanga – Classroom

Akomanga – Classroom


On Thursday afternoons, we learn te reo Māori. This term, we have been learning commands and words to use in our classroom – akomanga. 

We have been practising our te reo Māori by creating a Canva slideshow, a play, a comic or a Google slideshow with motes. 

I chose to work on a comic strip 

I think I did a good job because me and my buddies did not argue and we didn’t get distracted.  

have you ever righted in te reo maori ?


Matariki blog

Matariki Blog 


Matariki is a time to acknowledge the dead and to release their spirits to become stars. It was also a time to reflect, to be thankful to the gods for the harvest, to feast and to share the bounty of the harvest with family and friends.

For Art, we have been making a collaborative Matariki Star.

First, we had to sketch are designs and then we had to choose the one we wanted to draw then we had it on a foam tile i decided to waves and stars next i used  felts and the i used my finger to pick out the foam then we roll ink on it


For literacy I made a poster about gravity first I got a peace of paper  then i  describe what i did and then we tested throwing a ball in the air and  gravity pulled it down then i made a drawing about throwing a ball in the air then gravity pull it down

Get wise

Jeff from ASB Get Wise came in for 2 sessions to teach us how to be smart with money. Today’s session was about the steps to creating a business.

the 3 steps

step one strengths:   sports gaming art pet care running

step two solve:  job teaching league/ rugby

Step three start: what I need   sports gear sports team name the monkeys


All the  leaves are falling

Under the dark sky

The  leaves are falling from the sky

until the Leaves die

Many  Leaves  cover the ground

Night  time is here so the leaves are in the air

For Monday mashup we made a autumn poster and a autumn poem fist we got a plastic bag and filled it up with leaves and a branch then we glued the leaves and the stick on a piece of paper then we added  a swing we got string and glued it to the piece of paper then we are done